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Can we change the fire rate of a cannon?

5,817 BlackGearCompany  2.1 years ago

Can we change the fire rate of the cannon when we playing it? Like using FT on the cannon, that can change it's fire rate when in the game?

Like, when you play or simulate it, then press switch on AG that will change it's fire rate and or if using 2 cannon, then the both of cannon ammo will have same ammount.

cuz this

Gimana ya jelasinnya, gw gak bisa bahasa inggris anjir

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    @Panzerwaifu69 ok bro

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    @BlackGearCompany coba ikutan saran si ShinyGemsBro

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro hmmm, ok maybe i'm gonna follow your suggest. Anyway thanks bro!

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    @Panzerwaifu69 jadi gini bro, gw pen bikin meriam itu bisa diubah fire ratenya kyk AG 1 utk 100rpm(round per minute) dan AG 2 utk 200rpm, kyk system autocannon helikopter atau pesawat gtu. ide bermula disini

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    51.9k ShinyGemsBro

    As far as I know, not really. You can just position two of the same cannons together in one spot, with the other having a higher firerate than the first, but same name and everything.

    And to avoid the look of the wonky barrel recoil since you have two cannons overlapping, just make a custom recoil system (If you need to) using fuselage blocks and shock/suspension part, and disable the barrel recoil on both cannons.
    But then again, this defeats the function of linked ammo count. Since it's two separate guns with their own shells. In conclusion, It's not possible so far
    You can do this with the minigun and stock wing gun though. Just merge the guns together in one spot and have one weapon be linked to an AG to simulate faster firerate., and make sure disableAircraftCollision is set to true so the guns won't wreck each other when firing or if you plan the weapon to be inside a fuselage.

    +3 2.1 years ago
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    Gimana gimana? Coba jelasin pake B. Indo

    +2 2.1 years ago