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I little help please…

7,106 Yeahsure  1.6 years ago

How do you make a rotator spin infinite rotations

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    @Australianbulider676 Input field (where you find inputs like VTOL, Throttle, etc.).

    1.6 years ago
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    7,106 Yeahsure

    @TheFlightGuySP where do you put this?

    1.6 years ago
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    7,106 Yeahsure

    @TheFlightGuySP thanks

    1.6 years ago
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    sum(Throttle) or whatever other input you need.

    1.6 years ago
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    7,106 Yeahsure

    @McChezborger it kinda breaks the game for me lol

    1.6 years ago
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    5,303 McChezborger

    If you have xml, just set the rotation limit to something large, like just type 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and it won’t really stop for a while.

    1.6 years ago