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How can i make my flying wing more stable ?

4,183 mlksback  2.1 years ago

Hey guys, long time no see !
I'm coming back to SP and 'im gonna post the attack version of my succesful MRQS recon drone.
As you may know, it is a flying wing, and to make it handle better i've added an hidden tail and a powerful gyroscope, but i feel like it's cheating...
What are some solutions i can use to make it handle better (it pitches very slowly) and stabler without "cheating" ?
It also slight rolls left

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    1,516 atgxtg

    @mlksback You might be able to get away with one or two degrees. It probably won't completely stabilize the airplane (It didn't when I tried it), but it might be enough to work with some other method.

    If it makes you feel better you're not really cheating by adding other stabilization. Simpleplane physics are not quite the same as real world physics and often we have to tweak a few things in game to get them to work like the real thing.

    2.1 years ago
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    4,183 mlksback

    @atgxtg yeah thats a great idea but it would look kinda bad i guess, maybe i'll try that on an other project

    2.1 years ago
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    1,516 atgxtg

    You could angle the main wing so that it is a bit V-shaped. That would make it provide vertical stabilization on it's own.

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    46.3k OPaiTaOn

    look for yaw stabilizer brakes, or follow the tips below

    2.1 years ago
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    9,499 Tookan

    Unfortunately, there really isn't a way to do it without cheating, meaning you'll need to sneak in an oversized vertical stabilizer scaled down to 0.1,0.1,0.1

    2.1 years ago
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    Put a vertical stabilizer on it, then set the scale of the vertical stabilizer in the overload mod to a very small amount. Small enough where you can hide it inside of the aircraft. I hope this helps.

    2.1 years ago