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What does it mean?

7,045 Michiganstatepolice  2.1 years ago

So I've seen this recently "The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't.
In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was." i want to know if this actaully makes sense, or atleast a simple explanation of what it means

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    284 Rrrdant

    The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't.
    In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the missile is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the GEA. However, the missile must also know where it was.

    2.0 years ago
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    @ReinMcDeer I'm surprised a platinum commented on this

    2.1 years ago
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    @ReinMcDeer thanks

    2.1 years ago
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    97.3k ReinMcDeer

    The missile finds out what direction it is currently going
    From that it finds out what it needs to do to go the direction it wants to go
    If it still isn't going exactly in the direction it wants to go, it will find out what it needs to do to correct its course
    I think

    2.1 years ago