Guys, I have a big problem. O, well... it's a game problem, not real life one, so it's a little prolbem really.
I have asymetric drag. I tryed to delete half plane and copy it from other side (piece by piece, or not). I tryed to mirror the other side. I tryed those for BOTH side (maybe the bugged side 'll be the lower drag one?)
Nothing can fix... and the plane is affect from this in flight. Any idea?
Yes it "did".. I rebuilted all the front part and canopy (that are in the middleline... was the first part of project, and all was mirrored around this part) and solved the issue. It was a bug, I think.
"Rebuilt" mean changed canopy with another style, and cancel the other parts, creating newer from the menù. A lot of work, sadly.
Does the plane slowly tip over to one side while flying?