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Help request (xml modding)

10.1k DogeZ  9.2 years ago

Hello! I'm working on a plane, and really need xml modding. If you can do this things with xml modding:
1. Make fuselage in wing form
2. Reduce drag
3. Make British airforce insignias
Write here. I will upvote many planes as reward.
But when you will finish, upload the plane as unlisted, I will downoload it and make some changes (if needed) and upload on my account.

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    10.1k DogeZ

    Ok, thank you for help! And this vampire is really good, it is hard to make historical plane with blocks. @RocketLL

    9.2 years ago
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    19.8k RocketLL

    @DogeZ Yeah, I can't do anything about that.

    Nice plane though. I've got a Vampire from the old days, too here

    9.2 years ago
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    10.1k DogeZ

    Thanks for helping! I have already found insignia, and here is link to the plane: @RocketLL

    9.2 years ago
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    19.8k RocketLL

    RAF(British) Insignia(Stolen from @Delphinus) here

    And as for the inlets, can you give me a link?

    9.2 years ago
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    10.1k DogeZ

    Yes, the wing with 0,25 thickness will be really useful. Thanks! But I need to reduce inlets drag (if it is real) and British airforce insignia. @RocketLL

    9.2 years ago
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    19.8k RocketLL

    What do you mean "fuselage in wing form"?

    I have some thin 0.25 thickness(wing thickness) fuselages that you can put on and size yourself in my toolkit!

    9.2 years ago