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129 Venena  1.9 years ago

Hi guys im back! Its been 4 months alr...

Yeah! Bc of work, i just change work from p.i.c of lazada sorting to mechanic helper. (Rly gud pay*)


Im planning to build my story up here, its like a war between sides, ofc it will involve the 4 island, (i saw the MAYWAR link mod that avail the phone)

The theme will be like a Bit Modern WW1 stuff

Ofc it will involve

And other things.....

Buttttt u see, i kinda lack of building skills so, im planning to borrow some builds, ofc i will seek their permission first.

If u were interested, pls leave a T comment so i will mention u in each build or event.

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    30.0k 32

    hey, I know I'm not the best builder on the site, but feel free to use anything I make, whether it's to learn from it or just use it in your builds. In addition, check out my cool stuff page for some great partially complete builds you can use

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    3,363 Snowdog


    +1 1.9 years ago
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    +1 1.9 years ago