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How to make a button set throttle to specific %

6,490 WhiteRabbit  2.0 years ago

Could someone please help with the code of button that activates group 1 and sets throttle to 3% when pressed? I would be enormously grateful. Please and thank you.

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    46.1k OPaiTaOn

    first get a Fighter Throttle or a Simple Throttle, the default value is min = 0 and max = 1, if you want the Throttle to only go up to 98% for example, change the maximum value to max = 0.98 this should work

    2.0 years ago
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    6,490 WhiteRabbit

    @PlaneFlightX aww shucks, ty for the answer.

    2.0 years ago
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    50.3k PlaneFlightX

    Throttle can only be manipulated with levers, unfortuantly.

    2.0 years ago