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Way to set Priority on fuel?

2,865 NotNewHere  2.1 years ago

I want to incorporate drop fuel tanks on one of my builds, but I hate the idea of it basically being "cosmetic"

Is there a way to prioritize the fuel in the drop tanks to deplete first and then the rest of the fuel remaining in the plane?

Can't find anything in xml to help me do it. But I know virtually nothing of Variables and Funky Trees.

Is this possible?
Thank you in advance.

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    24.7k Rob119

    Okay first make sure there is no fuel in the craft then put all the fuel in the tanks then put some fuel in the main craft

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    This is how I'll do it:

    Things you need to know before starting:

    Fuel is measured from 0 to 1.
    How much fuel does your tank has?

    1.- Create and hide fuel tanks in your aircraft with fuel equivalent to your drop fuel tanks.
    2.- Create the droppable fuel tanks, do not fill these with fuel.
    2.- Connect a detacher to your plane and the droppable fuel tanks.
    3.- Open XML options for detacher and set the parameter "group" as: Fuel < X where X represents the percentage of fuel that is left after the droppable fuel tank is consumed, you can find this value by doing 1- (DroppableFuel/TotalFuel) you can consult these values on the XML "fuel tank" properties.

    For example: I have 4 fuel tanks in my build (around 75*4 liters), but one of them is droppable, then I just do: 1- ((75*1)/(75*4)) = X = 0.75 thus my detacher group is: Fuel<0.75

    +1 2.1 years ago