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THE WORLD VS THE JUNDROO REPUBLIC: the calm before the storm

1,598 Astron1  9.2 years ago

It has been 60 years since any major conflict has sparked. All world powers were building up thier respective lands, making large steps in technology, health, agriculture, and much more. The world was quiet. Then, one day, a small but technology advanced country, called the Jundroo Republic, threatens Australia and the countries nearby it. The world is in distress, than later that day, they strike Australia with large land assualts nearly surrounding the country, taking over completely. The Jundroo Republic then takes Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan the following day. The world, seeing that the Jundroo Republic is on a path of world domination, key powers of the world unite to create the World Salvation Republic, WSR for short. With the WSR created, the smaller armies and factions now choose which side to go on, the Jundroo Republic or the WSR?

Now list your faction name, which side you are on, your main base, and role or field for that side. I will list the info you have listed in the list below.

Slimetech,Alaska,large Bomb storage
SonsOfAchilles,Greece, provides advanced soldiers and heavy land,air,and sea vehicles
Australian Liberation Fighters (A.L.F), the Americas, multirole fighters and espionage
Guardians Of Jundroo (G.O.F.), Worldwide, advanced test labs and equipment
TheHardcoreFlyer, Edmonton Canada, bomber escort and bomber interception
Ambarveis,Indian Ocean, provider of recon drones and suicide aircraft
Gorobloso, London. UK, Apprentice engineer

Jundroo Republic:
Irish Special forces, Ireland? Missiles and land assault supplier
W4RD0GZ, Murphy Island, Handles and supports ground assault
Normatican Empire, Normatica colony,multiple roles
Astatika Empire, Vietnam, heavy ship provider
Seitwälder Republic, Germany, Strong air and main battle tanks
Tzvetkov, Murphy Island, mech engineer and pilots
Panculius, Philippines, strong air suport provider
Anarchist Insurgency, Area 51, Paris, London, Technologically advanced fighter aircraft and weapons
AlphaOneIndustries, Paris, France, invincible and invisible weapons and vehicles

Note: you may an symbol or flag or whatever for your faction, but the gold users can make the symbols for the WSR and Jundroo Republic, and the rest can vote ( sorry I want to use the gold, silver, bronze, and blanks as a system of rank. High blanks like KingDeadshot are the highest , gold are under that, silvers are under that, brinze is under that, and 0 point blanks are under that. HAVE FUN!!!
Another note: the WSR factions need to be based in any country except the Jundroo Islands

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    629 Sakari

    I'm in
    I'm apart of the S.C.P. Foundation I'm currently at Site-36-2 in █████████, ██████, ███
    Site-36-2 is equipped with ████████ ███████, ████ ████, ████████ ███ █████ and a C-████ cold fission reactor
    Site-36-2 is capable of performing █-█████ low altitude ███████ and deployment of SCP-███,SCP-███,SCP-███,SCP-███ and SCP-███.

    I'm in control of a;
    Level 5 (Thaumiel) S.C.P.-███
    I'm a class A personnel

    8.1 years ago
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    What are stationed in America but will launch satellites to monitor our allies and enemies worldwide

    8.4 years ago
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    We are the Knights Of The Pug which recover aircraft from battle and repurpose them with advanced weaponry and pilots. We are a small group of elites that have decided to not choose a side in this war but will keep peace by protecting our land surrounding the volcano. We will However, aid the WSR although we are neutral and will not strike unless we are attacked.

    8.4 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    @FatNinja go to the latest post please

    9.0 years ago
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    3,446 FatNinja

    put in the Fu-series? A rarely seen faction in the world and is said that one propeller plane can dogfight off a squadron of 4th generation fighter jets.(not true just look my builds, really bad)

    The pilots of the Fu-aircrafts are said to have been borned and raised in the air, resulting in capabilities in pulling over 20Gs. only when they need to refuel/ sleep, etc..., their headquarters rests within the artic where no plane has landed before.

    The faction has pledged to protect the world along with the WSR against JR Technology has been exchanged but only a small fraction of it.

    9.0 years ago
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    4,164 Glaceon


    9.1 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    @Gorobloso @XVIindustries @GravityGun913 @KingDeadshot @TheHardcoreFlyer @slimetech @CyberDyneIndustries @swat132 @TOPDOG7 @MrMecha @LePancake

    9.1 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    @Gorobloso @Ambarveis @AlphaOneIndustries @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries @XVIindustries @GravityGun913 @KingDeadshot @Wahoo12 @dsr1aviation @TheHardcoreFlyer @DragonKing @swat132 @LePancake @MrMecha @MrVaultech @rexinn @TOPDOG7 @slimetech

    9.1 years ago
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    Currently for hire, WSR, Based in London, UK but whoever hires me can base me somewhere else, Apprentice engineer

    9.1 years ago
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    1,261 Ambarveis

    Indian Ocean, 😁😁😁

    9.2 years ago
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    1,261 Ambarveis

    Ambarveis, will be siding for WSR, will be providing recon drones and suicide aircrafts

    9.2 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    So you supply near invincible and invisible weaponary correct?

    9.2 years ago
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    116 Ropple

    @Astron1 yes the animal

    9.2 years ago
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    @XVIindustries ._.

    9.2 years ago
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    Pls do not speak for my company @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries

    9.2 years ago
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    I dunno who to choose

    9.2 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    I'll contribute my Peregrine Aeroconcept Eagle fighter plane and Peregrine Armorconcept M5A1 Thunder tank. Both will be updated eventually though since neither have weapons from the update or Seitwälder insignias.

    9.2 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    Oh sry

    9.2 years ago
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    @Astron1 it literally says Team: [JR] right in there

    9.2 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    @KingDeadshot If you are sighted with the WSR, why are you still on the Jundroo Islands, the Jundroo Republic controls them now.

    9.2 years ago
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    8,434 dsr1aviation

    Multirole fighters and espionage

    9.2 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries what side are they on?

    9.2 years ago
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    1,598 Astron1

    @dsr1aviation what is their role in the war

    9.2 years ago
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    Name: Anarchist Insurgency (SLIGHT SCP ref, anarchy means chaos)
    Base: Area 51, Paris, and London
    Supplies: Most technologically advanced fighter aircraft and weapons

    Team: [JR]

    Motto: "No one controls us, we are our own rulers, keep the bombs dropping!"
    Reasons: Wanting to protect our civilization and show the world our strength

    (I decided to play bad guy this time Hehehehe, and FYI if you look at what I supply, it's kinda true, look at my planes :3)

    9.2 years ago
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    My contribution (for now) is my AA tank.

    9.2 years ago
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