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F-16C Viper Block 25 Teaser !!!

5,555 ImAcarperson  1.9 years ago

I apologize that I haven't been posting as frequently, life has been busy. But I have been working on A few projects lately and one of those projects is........
The F-16C Viper Block 25. The F-16C Block 25 is based of my F-16A Viper, and I I've added A large list of improvements over the previous generations of F-16C Vipers, these improvements include

• Improved model

• Remastered cockpit

• Improved flight model

• Improved weapons

• NEW After Burner

• NEW realistic canopy

• And more

Here are some pics of the F-16C Block 25/1.5.

And future paint jobs

I have to finalize the craft and finish paint schemes and then the viper will be complete, I may post the finalized craft in A week or two.