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Intresting screenshot i got

71.0k Yourlocalhuman  2.1 years ago

Sooo, i did just recently taken a ingame screenshot of me, experimenting with XML using someone's SU-57

I want to see, what happens if i set the maxHeading/VelocityAngleAdjustmentRate and the maxSpeed to extreme numbers, and the results:

Its a intresting experiment i've done

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    @HuskyDynamics01 that made my brain hurt

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    3,656 Dathcha

    Nah bro this missile got dementia and has no clue where it is where its going what it is or why it exists @HuskyDynamics01

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    bass boosted mission impossible theme blares somewhere in the background

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    The missile knows where it is at all times.
    It knows this because it knows that it occupies all locations simultaneously, and therefore is always both where it is and where it isn't, as the two are indistinguishable.
    The missile cannot be where it isn't, as it is present in every location at the same time.
    The missile guidance system is aware of this, and by subtracting where it isn't - that is, nowhere - from where it ought to be, it calculates where it is - that is, everywhere at once.

    +5 2.1 years ago
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    36.4k Icey21

    Make sure not to get hit! XD

    +1 2.1 years ago