can someone mod for me the fuselage block? some people use the fusellage block in a "STEALTH" style. that's when two of the far corners are curved and the two other far corners are hard. BUT if you have noticed in that way the fuselage width can only be 1X by 1X. Can someone mod the block so the width and height parameters will be between the far corners of the block's base and not the close corners? that way we will be able to make AWESOME dimond shaped fuselages. PLZ help me.
@UnstableOrbit Yeah, I understood. I will try to mod a new block (cause I have the time :) )
@Itamar3553 thats still not possible(via xml edits). You cannae change where the parameters are applied by changing the XML; they are hardcoded, and since no documentation exists on how to make custom fuselage blocks, a custom mod block for this would have to be developed via trial & error, which I have neither the time nor the inclination to do.
@UnstableOrbit I know it !!! I think that you didnt understood me as well. I know how to turn the blcok, but I want to make it's base wider than a square but still looking good. I want to make it only wider or only higher, without changing its symetric shape.
No. That's not how it works. You have to turn the block sideways via xml editing.