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7,088 BeeEngineer  2.0 years ago

How do I get an engine to be on at 5% throttle when the throttle is set to 0?

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    7,088 BeeEngineer

    @Farewellntchii @ZeroWithSlashedO @jamesPLANESii Thank you for the help with this problem, I have now gotten it to work! Thanks!

    2.0 years ago
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    yeah, I'm aware
    but tbf Idk what he's trying to do either so technically
    zero wa warukunai yo ne?

    2.0 years ago
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    @ZeroWithSlashedO I'm assuming that this person wants their props to idle. That first equation would mean that throttle is only 0.05 when your throttle is at 0, so if you have your throttle at 0.001 say, then the throttle will go down to 0.001, which isn't how engine idling works. That next equation would mean that at 95% throttle, the engine will be at 100% power, which isn't perfect either.

    2.0 years ago
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    @Farewellntchii That would set throttle to 100% when you set the throttle above 0.05

    2.0 years ago
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    0.95 * Throttle + 0.05

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    Throttle = 0 ? 0.05 : Throttle
    if Throttle is 0, then input is 0.05, otherwise it's input is Throttle
    if what you're trying to do is adding extra 5% to your thrust even when throttle is at 0%, use Throttle + 0.05

    +1 2.0 years ago