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Rotator Control Trouble

3,340 JustWingIt  2.0 years ago

I'm trying to make a rotator-actuated axial control system for an upcoming build. Basically, I need to make a rotator turn and keep turning 360+ degrees as long as I am inputing pitch/roll/yaw, and when I let go of the controls, I want the rotator to hold its position. If anyone can help I'll credit you on what I'm making. Sorry if I explained it badly.

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    oh ok
    then yeah, change the Pitch to Roll or Yaw

    2.0 years ago
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    3,340 JustWingIt

    @ZeroWithSlashedO No, not like that. I'm talking about a gimbal-like system for 3d movements. Its gonna be used to make the drone turn, flip, and roll. One rotator for yaw, one for pitch, and one for roll.

    2.0 years ago
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    I feel like it would just be better with one rotator though?

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    3,340 JustWingIt

    @ZeroWithSlashedO I kinda meant a separate rotator for pitch, roll, and yaw, so I'm guessing that would be sum(x) where x is either pitch, roll, or yaw?

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    sum(Pitch + Roll + Yaw)

    +1 2.0 years ago