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Help with my custom missle's unique problem

3,093 TrojanAircraftSystems  1.9 years ago

I'm building a Ruhrstahl X-4 for giggles. It's a custom missle based on the guardian. All the fueslages and wings are set to no mass or drag, yet when the missle fires with the fueslages on, it freezes my game. It will fire off the aircraft, but if it doesn't hit it's target, which it also does (it wanders sometimes), it absolutely freezes the game. It's fine if it hits it's target, and it flies fine without the shell. If it misses it's target, it wiggles loose of it's shell and begins breaking physics and flipping over and over. I'm on mobile, and the only thing I can do to get the joysticks or menu button to work again is to reload the game. The plane still flies, but I can't control anything. So any solutions to my missle missing or wiggling loose of it's shell? Thanks in advance.

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    @LieutenantSOT Well thank ya, and to you as well. You must be smarter than me then, I'm going into the medical field. Get my bursing degree.

    1.3 years ago
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    And congrats dude!

    1.3 years ago
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    @TrojanAircraftSystems fair lmao
    I'm in my last year of high school. Just got accepted to my dream uni- Embry Riddle Aeronautical

    1.3 years ago
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    @LieutenantSOT Nah, I got it fogured out. Pretty much playing for shits and giggles these days, done graduated high school and into college now lol. I pop on here about every 6 months or so for about 5 minutes.

    +1 1.3 years ago
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    Do you still need help m8?
    I haven't been very active, but I can help if you need it

    1.4 years ago