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Is making a cockpit worth it

28.1k Hiimakeplanes  2.1 years ago

Does making cockpits get more upvotes or do no one care about them

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    Depends on your point of view.
    I personally don't really mess with interior design. I focus more on balancing basic exterior details and aircraft functionality.
    If you want to add cockpits, then go ahead. If not, it really shouldn't have an enormous impact.

    The amount of attention your builds get is really dependent on the overall quality of the build (excluding meme builds that get hundreds of upvotes, but that's different). You have to find where the balance between looks, functionality, and performance is, and go with it.

    And yes, there will be times where you spend two weeks on a build, publish it, and it doesn't become as popular as you might've hoped, and that's alright. Just move on and continue building what you want.

    I have finished this short essay. Hopefully this helps at least somewhat.

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    34.5k GhostHTX

    Probably? For me it is the one bit of building in SP that I really couldnt care less for.

    +2 2.1 years ago
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    @Bryan5 ok

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    26.8k Bryan5

    Yes, it is worth it

    +1 2.1 years ago