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Is There A Way To Make Jets Turn Off After A Set Time?

8,436 Jaspy190  2.0 years ago

I'm building a MXY-7 Mod.22 and want the Tsu-11 shut down/stop before the craft actually runs out of fuel. is there a way to make that happen?

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    8,436 Jaspy190

    @HuskyDynamics01 thanks, i'll try something like that!

    2.0 years ago
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    If you want it to stop when fuel drops below a certain level (probably the easiest way of doing something like this), you could set the throttle input to something along the lines of Fuel > 0.5 ? Throttle : 0. Change the 0.5 to whatever fuel level you want the engine to stop at (1 = 100%, 0.01 = 1%, etc.)

    +3 2.0 years ago