@ColonelCanada alr man, let me do what I want, I am building these planes for fun, this jet is a solid f117 model, you may make it more detailed, or not, reguardless let me upload it how I want, and yes I don’t want to spend the time anymore on making full models, I do this for entertainment
Also, I made the entire plane, all I’m not building is the landing gear, and weapons bay, and I am not making a cockpit, but it’s mainly so everyone else can see and possibly build their f117 for themselves, cus I’ve been wanting to make one, yet I couldn’t see how it’s made, now I’m making one and I wanna show others so they get inspired
@ColonelCanada alr man, let me do what I want, I am building these planes for fun, this jet is a solid f117 model, you may make it more detailed, or not, reguardless let me upload it how I want, and yes I don’t want to spend the time anymore on making full models, I do this for entertainment
Also, I made the entire plane, all I’m not building is the landing gear, and weapons bay, and I am not making a cockpit, but it’s mainly so everyone else can see and possibly build their f117 for themselves, cus I’ve been wanting to make one, yet I couldn’t see how it’s made, now I’m making one and I wanna show others so they get inspired
"Im sick of building so I have the community do it for me"
good strategy
@TheCommentaryGuy heh
@ColonelCanada possibly
Imma wait for the people who knows nothing about stealth say "Im sorry, We didnt know it was invisible"
You're not gonna make us finish this one, are you?