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Tutorial I quess

186 DudeWhoGotBored  2.0 years ago

Ok, so we all start somewhere and sometime. You clicked on SimplePlanes app folder, waited a bit, and clicked Build and Fly. Of course you completed little tutorial, and now you are free to build anything you want. And at this time, some people want share their flying wankers with other people. That's why I'm here: my goal in this post is explain a little things, that me and you may encounter (notice, you must download mods from menu, otherwise nothing will work)
1) How do I make cannons with caliber<50mm or firing delay smaller than 0.1 sec?
Well, if you downloaded mods from menu, you can click on the button with plane and </> symbol on it. Caliber can be changed in option "diameter" in folder "Cannon" on the top of the window. Notice: 100% size is 500mm, so you need to calculate the percentage for yourself. Firing delay option is in the same folder in option "firingDelay" (will be displayed in secs).
2) How to name my own cannon without game crushes?
Simple: open the "Cannon" folder. Scroll all the way down. You see that empty options with +ses on it? Click that plus. It will create your very own option. Notice: on the left is option name, which defines what you will change (for example: size is for size of object, activationGroup is for what AG will be turned on to activate object), and on the right is value of the option in secs, blocks, %, etc. Type "name" in the left and type the name of the cannon in the right. 2nd notice: DONT CHANGE THE ID OR TYPE OF THE CANNON. It will make the game lag and crash or your Cannon will disappear. Done!
3) I've seen an enormous amount of fuel on some builds. How can I make the same fuel tank?
You need to open the same menu as in the previous 2 answers and click on the folder "FuelTank". All you need Is change value "fuel" from 75 to anywhere where you want. The "capacity" value is honestly quite useless imo, because for example, if you set "fuel" to 1000 and "capacity" to 10, the fuel percentage would be 10000%, but since game can only show 100%, it will not be seen. You can go into comments and correct me on this one. Notice: an increase in the amount of fuel leads to an increase in the weight of the entire aircraft, so you need to decrease value in the "massScale" option in "Part" folder.
4) How to increase blast power from bombs?
Go into the "Bomb" folder and change the value "explosiveMass" to anything. Notice: an increase in explosive mass could lead to plane destruction if bomb was dropped too low, so be cautious!
5) How to increase the thrust and power of prop/jet engines?
If you are currently using propeller engine, go into the "PropEngineAdvanced" folder and change the value of "power" option. Notice: the "power" value are always doubled. For example, if you engine has 1000 HP and you want to increase it to 1400, that means you must change "power" value from 2000 to 2800.
And if you are using jet engine, go into the "Engine" folder and change the value on "powerMultiplier" option. Notice: more powerful engines=more control and weight balance needed. Check your CoM/CoT/CoL before buffing engines.
And that's all for today! I hope you find this post helpful. Good luck in Simpleplanes!

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    @winterro that will be cool, thx for note :D

    2.0 years ago
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    94.3k winterro

    One note ‘bout the cannon part?
    editing the barrel and base to 0 and putting the firing delay to -9E+37 to get a continuous lazer

    2.0 years ago