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Im dumb, how can i view activation groups and what's assigned to them?

0 FredsMedia  1.9 years ago

Hey guys. i am new here and the title pretty much explains it. i want to see what is assigned to an activation group on a community made craft in the editor. (how do i even see activation groups lol).

FredsMedia :)

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    Sorry i forgot to clarify, i mean how do i view it in the building editor. i want to view what parts are connected to group 1 and what they do when it is activated.

    1.9 years ago
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    31.0k 32

    @HuskyDynamics01 small correction, T is the key to view activation groups on PC

    1.9 years ago
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    You can see which activation groups are, well, active by hitting the little arrow on the right side of the main HUD (next to the fuel gauge; the same panel where you can toggle your landing gear or select weapons), or by hitting Right Shift (I believe that's the default) if you're on PC. Active groups will be highlighted in blue, inactive will be gray.

    As far as which groups do what, there's a few ways to do this. First is to check the craft instructions (Pause menu -> Craft Instructions). If the builder put any instructions or lists of what buttons do, they'll be in there. (Do note that this is a relatively new feature so most older planes won't have them in-game. Also check the plane's description on the website too just in case, since builders can also often just forget to add them to the instructions in-game).

    If there aren't any instructions or lists of what-does-what anywhere, the other option is to just start pressing things and figure out which button does what. Be warned, you might explode if one of the groups is "drop weapons" and you're testing on the ground!

    1.9 years ago