i know how to do the fonts in the dev console, but not on the sp website, please help, i keep seeing people with enourmous text in their descriptions or code looking text for the controls list and stuff, i would also like to know how to do custom thumbnails, thanks in advance
this was solved by @JustWingIt and @ArandomAustralian676
thanks to both of them
thank you @ArandomAustralian676, i cant believe i didnt think of that :)
@idiotace9000 You're welcome, good sir
@JustWingIt this is the way.
@Dathcha @idiotace9000 This is the way.
thanks! @JustWingIt
Another alternative, sacrifice a few goats (or infants, either works) to Andrew, then climb mount Everest with no gear, and discover the cure to all cancer. Follow these steps and you will become enlightened and also be able to write in COOL TEXT
This forum post about markdown formatting might be helpful: clicky