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UPDATE SUGGESTION! | better combat, better AI, better visual effects

149 idiotace9000  2.0 years ago

official multiplayer isnt the highest priority update

there are much cooler things that could be added that would make the game more fun in general and would make the wait for better multiplayer more pleasant, so here is my update suggestion and what i think needs to be added to simpleplanes as of when i posted this, if you agree with any of the features i have proposed, please upvote this so other people can see it and so it might get added

to be clear, i want better multiplayer just as much as anyone, but i think there are some things that are a little more neccessary

im still writing this so expect new stuff to be added randomly

realistically possible features that i want:

disclaimer: i have no idea how hard it is to make games and script, so correct me if anything i say is completely unrealistic

if anything, simpleplanes needs better combat in my opinion, theres so much potential for awesome combat instead of bullets that explode an entire fuselage part and light things that are completely not flammable on fire cough cough glass cough, im a ww2 nerd who hates modern aircraft, so immediately think of bullets that can actually penetrate you or not completely explode you with one hit, for example, the health value in the xml editor would determine how many times the part needs to be hit to completely dissapear, once hit by a bullet it would make a metal ping noise followed by a spark effect, maybe it could even produce a 2d bullet hole decal, this would also come with new properties for the wing and gatling gun, such as caliber, explosive power for making HE rounds, etc, just similar properties to the cannon

now on to the visual effects part
combined with the new gun physics and properties, there could also be a better bullet model than a 2d transparent gradient rectangle, maybe something similar to the original but sized corresponding to the caliber property and being a zig zag ish or fire ball ish shape that would emit a tiny air trail effect like in real life, as of now thats pretty much all i have to say about the visual effects as the only other topic i was going to cover was the horrible explosions, but there is already a mod called kaboom by @Gestour and @Kennneth that improves the explosions, also check out heat haze by @Kennneth which adds.. heat haze, and doesnt interfere with multiplayer 👍👍👍👍

better AI
as far as ive seen the AI in simpleplanes is extremely smart, when they try to land they go in an eternal fly-by loop, when they do land successfully its because they crashed nose first straight into anyone who dares stand on the wright runway, and you can only get them to go into formation with you on accident, so i think we need even smarter AI, AI that can actually land or go into formation with you on command, AI that is actually semi-aware of what on earth is happening to it, but dont change the enemy, the enemy is a perfect spacetime anomaly that shall forever rule the skies,

unrealistic quality AI
AI that can go in formation with OTHER AI planes, bombers with working defensive turret gunners and crew that can bail out similar to mister t's AI bomber project, AI that can taxi through airports and takeoff and land like a real player, ground attack AI such as an a10 thunderbolt or super tucano, this type of AI will probably never ever make it into the game, but its still cool

note: the working defensive turret gunners on a new ww2 bomber AI plane might actually be possible to be added into the game, all you would have to do is just stick some funkytrees auto aim turrets on it and then make the AI only select close targets that are in the opposite heading of the bomber