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Is It Possible To make A Parachute Activate Via Height?

8,421 Jaspy190  2.0 years ago

and, in that same vein, a way to make Air Burst bombs?

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    210 DankeOlli

    Ok for some Reason, as soon as an Variable gets into play it doesnt work. Eventhough the output gets is set to one and the math seem to add up (looks like there is airresitance for detached Parts though).
    You cann set an opendelay by using this:
    activationGroup=floor(smooth(clamp01(Activate4), 1 / X))
    X=Delay in seconds

    2.0 years ago
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    8,421 Jaspy190

    @Numbers2 thanks, I’ll be sure to check it out after school

    2.0 years ago
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    210 DankeOlli

    activationGroup=floor(smooth(clamp01(Activate4), 1 / 4))

    My understanding of this is bit meh... but let me try to break it down to my best knowledge:
    "floor" runds down the number.
    "smooth(X, 1/4)" is the timebased part. needing smooth to add the value 4 times until it is 1 (=Active).
    clamp01(Activate4) keeps the value of activate 4 between 0 and 1 instead of -1 and +1.

    To make this work for you the part (1/4) part of this needs to equal the time your part(Bomb) needs to fall until it´s Parachute deploys.
    But i am not really sure how the games simulates parts that are not connected to the cockpit anymore. My best guess is that the fall with gravity without aerodynamic interference. In this case it would be:
    Time = sqrt(Distance/(g/2))
    Distance in this case would be AltitudeAgl-the height you want your bomb to detonate in.
    That the Theory atleast.
    I will test this and let you know wether this works or not.

    2.0 years ago
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    2,288 Numbers2

    here's some inspiration a Multi staged nuclear bomb with a parachute time release please give me credit if you are to use this in any builds

    2.0 years ago
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    8,421 Jaspy190

    @DankeOlli how?

    2.0 years ago
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    210 DankeOlli

    So it works now? Otherwise I know that is is possible to open a parachute delayed. Used it for some Clusterbombs and Ejection-seats and if you do an height related delay it could also work.

    2.0 years ago
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    8,421 Jaspy190

    And the Thin Man plutonium gun type bomb is done

    2.0 years ago
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    8,421 Jaspy190

    Altitude > 9000 & Activate3

    2.0 years ago
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    8,421 Jaspy190

    @HuskyDynamics01 ok, i just did the opposite of the <, and it makes it work almost perfectly

    2.0 years ago
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    8,421 Jaspy190

    @HuskyDynamics01 yknow, that makes the bomb fall into the plane, and kinda blows it up

    2.0 years ago
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    @Jaspy190 Yeah, that's the other problem with it. Not sure how to fix that since a dedicated height variable for the bomb isn't possible, apparently. The only other thing I can think of is to just scrap the code entirely and set the chute to whatever activation group the pylon itself is on, so it activates immediately when the bomb is dropped. Not nearly as interesting but it should work without issue.

    2.0 years ago
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    8,421 Jaspy190

    @HuskyDynamics01 so i just tested it out, and it "unpresses" the parachute button when you go back above the certain alt

    2.0 years ago
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    8,421 Jaspy190

    @HuskyDynamics01 thank you, and it's really not your fault that FT is a really weird system for things other than weapons and hinges/rotators

    2.0 years ago
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    @Jaspy190 ...Okay, so unfortunately after some testing it seems that the parachute can't be activated by a custom variable, so the altitude would in fact be dependent on the altitude of the plane (meaning that on the plus side you don't need the flight computer, but on the minus side you'll either have to dive after dropping the bomb or just have the chute deploy immediately). I have no idea why this is the way it is, but the parachute has always been particularly difficult to work with when it comes to custom inputs.

    Anyway, for this method you'll need to set the parachute's input (*via Overload because otherwise it won't work since the parachute makes things difficult for no reason) to: GS > 1 & Altitude < 200 & Activate1. You can change the numbers around if you want, so the chute will only activate above a certain speed or below a different altitude (in meters), and change the activation group to whatever you want.

    Then, you'll need to attach the bomb to a detacher or pylon set to whatever group you set the chute to use, and launch the bomb with that group (dropping it with the "drop bomb" button will not trigger the chute).

    It's somewhat of a clunky process, but the parachute doesn't seem to quite work properly with FT code, so it's the best I can come up with.

    2.0 years ago
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    8,421 Jaspy190

    @HuskyDynamics01 so what is the exact ft i need to put into each part for the altitude deployed parachute?

    2.0 years ago
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    8,421 Jaspy190

    @HuskyDynamics01 love a video tutorial about all of this, in the style of those 1940s instructional videos

    2.0 years ago
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    @Jaspy190 They're basically equivalent to cockpit blocks, except they're smaller and don't have a camera associated with them. You need it in this case because just telling the parachute to read the standard Altitude variable would make it depend on the altitude of the plane, instead of the altitude of the bomb. Attaching a flight computer with its own separate Altitude variable to the bomb itself avoids this problem (in theory; I haven't tried this myself but it should work).

    2.0 years ago
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    8,421 Jaspy190

    @HuskyDynamics01 what do flight computers even do???

    2.0 years ago
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    A parachute activating by height after being dropped can be done, though I believe you'd also need a flight computer attached to the weapon, and it would need to be fired from a detacher or otherwise armed with an activation group or button.
    If you set the flight computer's Altitude variable to something (e.g. BombAltitude), you could then set the parachute's input to (Activate1 & BombAltitude<100) ? 1 : 0 and I believe it should open when the bomb reaches 100 meters above sea level. I'm not sure how to do an air burst bomb though, since you can't "tell" the bomb to blow up, but I do believe I've seen it before so it's probably possible.

    2.0 years ago