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Calling all pro simpleplanes builders

2 CausticAuthor  1.9 years ago

I am a huge star wars fan and i have gotten all the ships i like except my favorite one. If any of yall are willing to do it can yall build a mandalorian fighter, protectorate starfighter or the gauntlet. I prefer the gauntlet since it is a multi purpose ship but either one is fine. Please try to make this look just like it would in the movies and please make it function like it would in the movies. I know im asking alot but i want this to be as realistic as possible. Whoever does this, thank you so much.

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    @Ocllhn no disrespect to the builder of it but it doesnt fly well and it isnt that realistic. I like how they added the spinning wings but it doesnt fly well. It loses control easily.

    1.9 years ago
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    79 Ocllhn

    1.9 years ago