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How easy is it to get builds curated?

50.8k RepublicOfCursedPlanes  1.9 years ago

For my next build (and first fighter), I'm planning to add a cockpit interior with all the basic instruments, so that it gets curated.

So, what's the selection process for curating builds? I know that this is done by curators like Kennneth and Jamesplanesii, but what's the process itself? I just want to know this so that I have a better understanding of how to make my builds VR-friendly.

Also, I know that having the instruments is the criteria for VR-friendly builds, but when searching up builds with the "VR" tag, some of them are curated, while others are not, despite all of them having cockpit interior. Why is this the case?

If you could answer my query, I would very much appreciate it!

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    27.4k LM0418

    Just make your own cockpit with working parts (throttle, yoke, and working instruments nessesary)
    Random fact: sometimes with cockpits your plane will not collide with other planes or get hit by missiles. It will phase through them without any damage.

    1.9 years ago
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    @32 @HuskyDynamics01 ok thanks

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    30.9k 32

    In my experience, the only thing necessary for curation is to make the plane fully vr compatible and easy to use. In the past, I actually asked the curators to curate my planes, but then I learned curated crafts get double points for upvotes. If you post something that can be fully controlled in first person, chances are it will get curated eventually.

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    Not just gauges, but also fully working flight controls (stick/yoke, levers, etc). Basically, the plane needs to be 100% flyable from the cockpit view without any keyboard inputs (except maybe for yaw).

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    13.9k Guh

    It's full vr

    1.9 years ago
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    13.9k Guh

    Look at my d11u box cockpit

    1.9 years ago
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    Make them fully vr compatible

    1.9 years ago