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Buoyancy fuselage bug.

14.0k Kiv  1.9 years ago

Idk i set number is 2 or 10 on xml then i open the fuselage setting then in fuselage xml buoyancy is 1? Idk how its a bug or no.

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    13.4k Grob0s0VBRa

    Opening fuselage settings tab returns the values to default min/max if they were modified via xml (overload)

    For example, you can have fuselage with 15 length, accesing it with the tab returns it to 10 length.

    It's not a bug.
    it's just an [undo]

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    Buoyancy can only be between 0 (0% buoyancy) and 1 (100% buoyancy), mainly because something like 200% buoyancy just doesn't make any sense.

    +1 1.9 years ago