have anyone here played any game from the command and conquer series. because I want to create a challenge based on it. the challenge will probably be either a vehicle challenge, a building challenge, or both
Command and Conquer (1-4)
Renegades X
Red Alert(1-3)
Command and Conquer Generals(1-2).
I don't know if it is a good idea but let me know if you are intrested
comment T to get tagged when the challenge will go live. (sometime in May)
@Grob0s0VBRa yes I will have some things but I wont allow tracks because i dont have them downloaded yet probably fine tuner and overload mods will be only allowed,
this will be a future challenge because I already have a challenge going on. with not much submissions but it will be closed on May 1st
That's a good idea and there is a plenty of people that knows about the series/ built something from it.
So, why not?
the main thing is to bring their attention to the challenge itself somehow... don't forget rules, a bit of description to clarify how many parts is allowed, can mods like tracks 2 be used, how many submissions from one person can be accepted, the deadline of challenge, can there be only replicas, and so on.
could be cool