The new update. It came out on Steam first, then on mobile stores. This may not be much right now but I just want to remind the Devs.
First off I want to thank this game's wonderful Devs on working on this game so hard. Keep it up. But really I wanted to say, are we forgetting something. Yes we are. SimplePlanes came out first on the mobile store. It was the first to be updated. But then Steam came along and the devs started to focus on that. They stared to update it more than the mobile version. They gave it more abilites. But only recently did the mobile version got updated. Devs, you stared mobile you should continue updating the mobile version first. Like you said, there is more users with mobile devices than the computer. In conclusion, you should update the mobile version more than the computer version.
@FalaflesMan2 Original Alpha, PC, July 19th 2014:
Post from October 1st, 2014, about when mobile will come:
Android first alpha test, October 16th, 2014:
Steam release, December 17th, 2015:
Ya, where were we. Ah yes, devs and money. @Flightsonic
@FalaflesMan2 not too much out in the country (I'm not really that far) And i should probally get back on topic
Wow, you should get time warner cable @Flightsonic
@Nickasaurus wow max is 40 mb/s in the early morning!
Also, can you check out my challenge at my main user. @Nickasaurus
@FalaflesMan2 no im talking about "It didn't with me"
His ping when he is even plugged into Ethernet, flight sonic @Nickasaurus
@Flightsonic my ping is really good but overall it completely sucks. max i EVER got was 1 mb/s lowest was about 43kb/s normal 300kb/s
@FalaflesMan2 ?
Wow, that's sad @Flightsonic
@HellFireKoder Yea my ping sucks (even if im plugged into ethernet my provider still sucks)
It didn't with me @nickasaurus @flightsonic
@HellFireKoder lol
And also (No pressure Devs) If they're making more money (I mean look at all the new users) that means maybe more frequent updates
@Flightsonic @Nickasaurus happened here, too XD
@Flightsonic same. i commented before it was cool!
Lol all the comments popped up as soon as i submitted
Lol all the comments popped up as soon as a sumitted
@FalaflesMan2 thanks!
Thing one with this, PC's give a better place to develop, THEN migrate the updates to mobile, plus then steam gives a broader community (Steam wasn't the best choice on my opinion) which then more popularity (and the people who make planes for YTers which can get annoying(Again this is my opinion no offence))
It came on PC first, through Gumroad. Then mobile, and, over a year later, it came on Steam.
Think your right. BTW, congrats on platinum @Nickasaurus
no offence @falaflesman