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Dreadnought Challenge Competitor

33.0k ShiroNeko  1.8 years ago

A set of pictures of my build that I took.

This is a Teaser, there may be changes to the final build different from the pictures below.

The build is not final, I guarantee it will be better than the screenshots has took.

305mm Main Guns

305mm Main Guns

305mm Main Guns

305mm Main Guns

152mm Casemates

100mm Dual-Purpose Guns

100mm Dual-Purpose Guns

100mm Dual-Purpose Guns

B-0c / CH-I (B model 0c, Modification CH-I) Spotter Aircraft (early access)

-The build will have a camouflage
-The ship is currently 75% finished
-It will have newer guns on refit (380mm, Dual Barrel)
-Part Count = 2500+ (2900, April 10)
-Estimated Part count (self limit) = 3400

Link to the challenge if you're interested in participating
Another user's competitor