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Help with colliders on landing gear bay doors

3,666 fpvrick7  1.9 years ago

I have built an airplane that I absolutely love, but I've run into a potentially fatal problem. The landing gear bay doors that open when the gear is down have some unusual collider shapes as they are hollow fuselage pieces that have been sliced. This causes the jet to shake uncontrollably when its resting on the ground. The problem is also apparent when taxing or on takeoff roll, as the colliders from the main gear doors dig into the ground like an anchor and stop the plane from being able traverse along the ground without serious vibrations and being slowed down.

In the link above, the 6 fuselage pieces that are causing the problem (3 sliced hollow fuselage pieces forming the landing gear bay doors (one on each side)) are painted purple. When removing the 6 pieces from the aircraft, the aircraft behaves normally when taxing and sitting still, as the colliders are no longer there to cause problems. Can anyone help me sort out this collider thing? I'm having a really hard time to find some answers. Feel free to download the aircraft and take a look for yourself to get a better understanding of the problem.
