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Not dead, just busy | Work Is In Progress Pt. 4

32.6k Cerdd  1.7 years ago

Sorry that its been a white since I last posted anything, I was originally wanting to post the planes in numerical order, but then I quickly got to the 5th gen jets and, to put it simply. Theyre quite hard to make-

So ive just been working on other 2nd, 3rd and 4th gen jets. So I guess ill show you what ive been working on in the past 2 months.

X-10A Smygande (Previously known as the X-11 Strike)

X-51A Raikiri

X-52A Zare

X-53A Hankatt

X-54A Lila

X-22A Gråskala

SH-24A Lancet

USH-25A Hyena

X-23A Shinku

Extra Images

Anyway, yeah as you can see, quite busy. Whenever I finish more aircraft ill make sure to post them here, until then.
Later neeerrrrrdddds
-Some idiot on the internet

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    48.9k EngieWeeb

    Lookin pretty good, bro. X-54 has best silhouette, Hyena is cool too.
    Also yeah 5th gen aircraft are pain

    1.7 years ago
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    8,420 BlinIndustry


    1.7 years ago