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Help FT Increase and decrease button

282 griges  1.8 years ago

I tried some simple FT for the autothrottle
But i want it to be changeable midflight

How to add increase and decrease button?
And reset button?
Saw snowflakes posts and vid i havent figured it out
Can someone explain to me how
And if possible,how it work?

I want to make a variable X=0 but can be changed with the buttons mentioned before,
Or some better way for autothrottle?
Current Autothrottle i used

(((IAS>244/1.94166)?-0.001:0) | ((IAS<243/1.94166)?0.001:0)) * clamp01(Activate5)

Not smooth but works

I want it to be

(((IAS>X/1.94166)?-0.001:0) | ((IAS<X/1.94166)?0.001:0)) * clamp01(ActivateY)

And if you are an awesome person,
Tell me better FT and teach me <?(???????)?>