So Aarav asked me if I wanted to do the news updates for BWC2, and I said yes, so all challenge news has now been moved here.
16 April
All news will be moved to that post from now on.
Remember to read all instructions carefully!
15 April
With the UFSR being the dominant power now, it was only a matter of time before Berralind would be attacked.
At 1749 hours EST, 8 SCUD-EG ballistic missiles were fired from Yeager Airport. 3 minutes later, 2 XB-01s, accompanied by Ye-110s, took off from Yeager Airport. Finally, another 5 minutes later, the remaining 10 SCUD-EGs were launched.
The first wave of SCUDs destroyed all remaining AA units at Avalanche Airport. Before interceptors could be deployed, the XB-01s reached the airport and bombed its runway into dirt, destroying 5 interceptors on the runway in the process.
The second wave of SCUDs then hit critical airport facilities. 5 SCUDs embarked on a "suicide mission" to hit the Ice Base, the most heavily defended air base in Berralind with numerous AA missile launchers. Only 1 made it to the Ice Base, but it managed to annihilate the Ice Base, killing many personel and aircraft inside.
Berralind is now crippled, and the stage is set for a *Final War over Berralind. *
This war may very well decide the fate of BWC2.
14 April (evening)
Now that the UFSR had regained its foothold, and Berralind's most advanced fighters were out of service due to the stealth technology on them being banned, the next logical step would be to retake Yeager Airport, that had previously been stolen from them by Berralind.
At 1645 hours EST, 12 HUY-111 ground attack aircraft that had taken off from Berralind bombarded Yeager Airport's runways, anti-aircraft units and parked interceptors.
5 Ye-30s then airdropped 25 Taroll MBTs and 10 Taroll rocket trucks, which made quick work of the Berralind command center and planes stranded on Yeager.
The Yeager commander was killed by one of the rocket attacks, forcing Yeager to surrender to the UFSR and ending Berralind's threat to Fortis.
The hangar containing the VTOL-capable XV-2As was purposely left intact, and 2 XV-2As were flown back to Staneland for analysis.
- Yeager Airport has been reunited into the Fortis motherland. (yippee!)
- Berralind's influence on Fortis has been sent back to its own land, and the UFSR is now stronger than ever.
- The UFSR has VTOL planes now. Specifically, the XV-2A. This will definitely be a game changer for how UFSR fighter jets will operate in the future.
14 April
Recently, due to yet-unknown problems with the new HMP-1 missile lock prevention system, it seems to be affecting aircraft with it. 4 Berralind stealth aircraft crashed into residential buildings, killing many civilians, and 1 ACASV shot down an AirBerralind 747 without warning.
In light of these events, the President of Berralind has banned the HMP-1 from being used on any aircraft, effective now (14 April).
As the UFSR used the same system on its R-380LA, the UFSR President has also banned the HMP-1.
All aircraft with the system (a flight computer on a box that’s not attached to the rest of the aircraft) MUST remove the system and be re-uploaded, or they will not be allowed to fly.
Remember, it is effective now.
13 April (afternoon)
After the theft of Fortis missiles by the former Alliance, Fortis began developing a new AA missile launcher, the SO-MSPO-125. It is a major inprovement over the previous RBP-65 as it is mobile, making it able to be deployed anywhere.
With the capture of Staneland- um um i mean conversion of Staneland to communist rule- yeah that, the new UFSR is now able to produce SO-MSPO-100s at an exponential rate. [REDACTED] SO-MSPO-100s have been produced so far, and deployed all around Staneland. Some of the SO-MSPO-100s have also been sent back to Fortis Island to defend Bandit Airport.
Despite the RPB-65 being obsolete, a few launchers are placed around Wright North Airport, in addition to the SO-MSPO-100.
Additionally, 3 W-15AED AWACS aircraft have been deployed to fly around Staneland's border to look out for Berralind bombers.
13 April
The attack on Fortis and the occupation of Yeager greatly scarred the Fortis government, and they needed a foothold on land, fast, or cease to exist.
The previous week, Fortis had already bombed both of Staneland's runways, as well as its entire fleet of ships. It was done mainly to chase Alliance forces out of Staneland and prevent them from attacking Fortis from there, but now, Fortis realised that it could take this opportunity to invade Staneland entirely. Besides, as the Alliance had transferred most of its military vehicles to Berralind, Staneland was practically a sitting duck.
On 12 April, 0135 hours EST, a fleet of Ye-30 transport aircraft and 2 AF-6 attack aircraft left the newly-repaired Bandit Airport for Staneland, without being detected by Yeager.
Phase 1
The AF-6s swooped in onto Wright Airport and destroyed all remaining AA units posted there.
Phase 2
The Ye-30s, known for their ability to land in any terrain, easily touched down on Wright Airport's damaged runway. They quickly unloaded their tanks and supplies, and sent them to the capital city of Staneland, Wright Town.
Phase 3
At 0652, Fortis L74 MBTs entered Wright Town, having defeated all of the few enemy tanks left on Staneland. At 0830, Staneland's democratic government was forced into an unconditional surrender.
Many members of Staneland's government and military were arrested and sent to POW camps. Fortis quickly set up a puppet communist government to rule over Staneland, and its aerospace companies took over the aircraft production lines in Wright City.
A Fortis propaganda poster. The text is in Russian, and translates to: "Staneland Belongs to Us Now! The New Union Will Prosper!"
- With Staneland under Fortis control, the Alliance has been dissolved. Only Berralind remains.
- Fortis and Staneland, being now under the same ideology, have allied, and renamed themselves the Union of Fortis Socialist Republics, or UFSR. Take note.
- The UFSR knows that Berralind will be mad over this, and anticipates a ground invasion of the rest of Fortis Island. It is placing more AA missile launchers and interceptors at Bandit Airport, as well as L-72 MBTs and VG-BPP-125s in the mainland.
11 April (evening)
With Fortis's air force currently disabled, C-160s carrying tanks, troops and supplies from Berralind landed at Yeager Airport's runway, starting the invasion of Yeager.
Within 1 hour, Yeager was fully occupied by the Alliance, and all remaining Fortis citizens and military personel either escaped by crossing Yeager Bay, or were arrested by the Alliance.
Fortis's only remaining airfield is Bandit Airport.
11 April
Phase 1
At 0927 hours EST, 6 Leopard cruise missiles were fired from Avalanche Airport. Before Fortis could even scramble its interceptors, the missiles hit.
- Bandit Airport's runway was hit, making it unusable.
- The bridge connecting Yeager Airport to the mainland was destroyed, cutting the airport off from any ground support.
Phase 2
At 0938 hours EST, various Alliance ground attack aircraft sent to Fortis began destroying Fortis anti-aircraft missile launchers and Yeager Airport's hangars, destroying all Fortis aircraft at the airport.
A fierce battle began between the Alliance aircraft and the interceptors that Fortis managed to deploy. Both sides had heavy casualities, but ultimately, all of the Fortis interceptors were destroyed, with a couple of Alliance aircraft staggering back to base.
Phase 3
4 Y43 VTOL lifting aircraft reached Fortis with the support of ACDSFs, BlocThunders and an Airboc NH90. With the help of ground crew riding in the NH90, Fortis missiles were removed from their mounts and attached to the Y43s. The missiles stolen were:
- 1 Barrakuda AShM missile
- 1 Guardian heat-seeking air-to-air missile
- and the wreckage of a RBP-65.
The Y43s made it back to Berralind without any resistance, where the missiles will be studied.
Phase 4
3 B-160 bombers flying at 90,000 feet bombed Fortis's missile, aircraft and ground vehicle factories.
Following the near decimation of their infrastructure and vehicles, Fortis leadership has retreated into a bunker in the Bandit Mountains.
11 April, early morning
This morning (around 0600 hours EST), the Alliance sent one of its SR-71s to Fortis. It took pictures of Yeager and Bandit Airports, as well as the various RBP-65 anti-air missile launchers.
R-57AYI interceptors were deployed, but the SR-71 managed to escape due to its high speed.
Fortis security has officially been compromised.
Additionally, Berralind put its new ACSDF drone against the missiles at the Ice Base for testing. The missiles failed to trigger, and the ACSDF landed successfully in the Ice Base.
This proves that the ACSDF is immune to missile attacks, posing a huge threat to Fortis.
10 April (night)
At 2248 hours EST, Blockwell B-160 bombers reached the island of Yeager and started bombing its port. Massive fires erupted at the port from the incendiary bombs.
An Mi-24 also flew in and fired a rocket barrage on Yeager personnel and damaged Fortis armor. before the helicopter was shot down and exploded on impact with the ground.
Fortis rescue crews discovered a single survivor, Igor Palachasznov, from the ship yard of the almost 120 military personnel. He was taken to the Yeager airport buildings for rest, health checks and witness statements.
This is TasteINC’s last mission; he has now retired.
It can no longer deploy ships. If it wants to do so, it has to pay 1500SP
to repair the port.
10 April
At 1837 hours EST, 2 Fortisian Cod-class ballistic missile submarines approached the coast of Wright North Island undetected. They quickly launched their missiles, which successfully hit Wright North Runway and destroyed it.
The Alliance now cannot use Staneland to launch aerial operations. Berralind's Avalanche Airport is still operational, however. Besides, the Alliance can always deploy aircraft carriers.
8 April
3 XB-01 bombers, Fl-510, Fl-511 and Fl-512, were deployed on 8 April 2023. They reached Staneland at 2103 hours EST undetected, and split up to complete their individual missions.
Fl-510 attacked the USS Beast carrier group, and successfully sank all 3 ships with its anti-ship cruise missiles. The carrier group launched their AA missiles at Fl-510, but it narrowly escaped by launching its flares and going supersonic.
Fl-511 fired a missile at the USS Tiny and successfully sank it, with no resistance.
Fl-512 did a straight-in bombing of Staneland's Wright Airport, severely damaging the runway and making it unusable.
Staneland command was alerted and 4 J-35 "Draken" interceptors were deployed to intercept the XB-01s. Fl-512, being the last to escape due to it having to bomb the runway, was unfortunately shot down, but the other 2 XB-01s narrowly escaped back into Fortis airspace using their flares and afterburners.
The Alliance's naval fleet has been decimated, with no aircraft carriers left. Staneland's runway is also unusable due to the bombing. This means that the Alliance either has to move all its operations to Berralind's Avalanche Airport and Wright North Airport, pay 3000SP
to build a new runway, or pay 1500SP
to build a new aircraft carrier.
Whatever option is chosen however, the Alliance has to accept the fact that the threat of the XB-01s is now unmistakable.
It starts on the 6th of April.
This winter is an especially terrible one, so no ships can be deployed in Berralind anymore.
Stane Island is the only island of the Alliance where these sessions can be conducted, but building a port would take 1500 SP.
For Fortis, transport of Naval Arms is also difficult, defrosting the main port would cost 1500 SP
and defrosting other locations would take additional 1500 SP
Berralind, in addition, has to pay another 1500 SP
to de-frost its vehicles in its hangars. If not, no ground units can be deployed in Berralind.
If you have any questions, just ask Aarav!
Bravo news RCP!
@SlowSeline82 it’s a war challenge; the deadline is when the war ends, which depends on what the players do
What is the deadline
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes At the time is include the RL F-7
We are screwed
@Mastereldo same here, my tablet gave up so i cant play simpleplanes and i kinda forgor to the the challenge
Oh wow, i havent check this challenge in a while
Uhh btw the development on the ekranoplan has been paused because of a lack of funding from the fortis goverment. Soo i guess i will start another superweapon program. This idea will be great
@Yourlocalhuman oh
no wonder all the controls were inverted lol
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes how they can go with stealth planes and weird shit, but their AAA was a literal ZU-23-2 Strapped on a toyota 💀
@Yourlocalhuman I remember the only AA system Berralind had was a pair of guns mounted on a truck; it’s really easy to destroy
@SlowSeline82 wdym?
Sometimes i wonder whenever the air defence systems stationed were working at all, like a transport could go in and out with ease and without scratch, like dude
@SlowSeline82 I made this forum post, so I can pin other people's comments on this
Is what went wrong the AI system or stealth system
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes the ACASV and most of my newer don’t actually have stealth systems, most of them have missile jamming tech but not stealth
Well this has gone from bad to worse
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes mate you're doing good work . I can't thank you enough.
nice, i wish my planes were there...
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes oh I didn’t know
@Markolley it’s afternoon in my time zone
What do you mean 13 April afternoon it’s 6:42
@Aara agreed.
You can declare the same use of Missiles prescribed.
Tell this to your Alliance.