till' then, keep buildin!
@LIQUIDconsumer my name?
@OwO <thats why
damn why don't yall bring me with my jet uwu
@LIQUIDconsumer for soome reason that wasnt working for me. ive done it it regular posts in the past. i just got it to work tho, i had to add multiple spaces for some reason.
@Ayvieyation just like everyone else has told me, ![] () ^URL for the image goes inside the round parentheses
@LIQUIDconsumer how did you add images on a forum post?
@ReinMcDeer I’ve even forgotten my naaaaame
Miss these good ol days
@BuiltBionixInd10 The truth goes unspoken
It was a good session.
Cool V I B E S
don't worry about it, maybe you will come across us some time while we are all in MP!
till' then, keep buildin!
@LIQUIDconsumer my name?
@OwO <thats why
damn why don't yall bring me with my jet
@LIQUIDconsumer for soome reason that wasnt working for me. ive done it it regular posts in the past. i just got it to work tho, i had to add multiple spaces for some reason.
just like everyone else has told me,
![] ()
^URL for the image goes inside the round parentheses
@LIQUIDconsumer how did you add images on a forum post?
@ReinMcDeer I’ve even forgotten my naaaaame
Miss these good ol days
@BuiltBionixInd10 The truth goes unspoken
It was a good session.