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Hit Reg with Cannons

107 SirSniffaa  1.7 years ago

Am I just garbage or does the hit reg with cannons in dogfights just completely suck? I really wish I could use them over just guns as they are far more fun for strafing but always have to put normal wing guns or mini guns on my plane just for dogfights

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    SAMs do funny things, yeah (as I unfortunately discovered yesterday while trying the Missile Evasion challenge again). As for cannons, there's some code you can add to them that makes them airburst once they've traveled a certain distance, but other than that you need to achieve a direct hit on the target. Also note that unlike gun bullets, cannon shells will pass through their target (if it's another build) if the cannon has aircraft collisions disabled.

    1.7 years ago
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    yeah SAM missiles go straight through terrain rn too

    +2 1.7 years ago