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The Second American Civil War

21.1k LieutenantSOT  1.9 years ago

Note: This is moreso a roleplay for some of my future vehicles I plan on making, tanks, planes, and possibly naval as well. Take this all with a grain of salt

"In these days of difficulty, we Americans everywhere must and shall choose the path of social justice...the path of faith, the path of hope, and the path of love toward our fellow man" - FDR, 1932

In the year 2032, the world is in great disarray. From the Federalization of the European Union, to the union between the True Republic and the People's Union of East Asia, and the Russian Federation bringing a heel down on central Asia. The world is on the brink of all-out war, possibly for the last time. However, that is not our focus, the United States is...

In 2032, the elections are tight, and the electors select a Republican candidate with an overwhelming majority, surprisingly against popular votes, and the nation isn't even polarized over the election, but merely concerned as to how they won. This leader proves to be able to manipulate Congress to pass laws and change the constitution in their favor, which had slowly been happening over the past decade. Most live on with their lives not giving anything, until 3 years later in late 2035, the president signs into law a law that makes it legal to run more terms. In November of 2036, the president signs another law making the terms last longer. Considering this is the exact path the Russian Federation had taken, the people protest, but to no avail. And the crowds are dispersed with force. The elections are postponed indefinitely. During this 4 years, the Republican party had gutted itself, purging those who favored the new regime. This caused polarization inside of polarization! This caused two parties to rise: The National Republicans, and the Constitutionalists

National Republicans: Economic Right, Political Authoritarianism
- Favored expanding the government and military rapidly
- Favored enshrining states' rights
- Moving towards the "new" America, going towards conservatism, and removing individual rights
- Defensive government to destroy the rise of the new empires around the world

Constitutionalists: Centrist
- Favored restoring the US's previous policies and parties
- Main purpose is to eliminate the NRs
- Favored remaining open to foreign policy

This sharp divide and the fact the most popular party's goal was to destroy the government in majority power caused the government to rapidly collapse. The Constitutionalists were left with most of the civilian population and the Air Force, and minor parts of the Army, whereas the National Republicans claimed a majority of the entire military, and the government as support. This caused tensions and internal cross-cutting cleavages that destroyed the government. With the population rapidly militarizing, there was only one way to eliminate the government: VIVE LA REVOLUCION!

In late 2036, the US Army marched on DC and claimed the white house, placing itself in power, and the president the dictator for life. The protestors outside the house were mowed down. This bloody sunday sparked the powder keg, and the 4 year civil war began in that very instant, at 4:40 PM, December 21st of 2036, the Republic blew up into fragments. In the north, New England separated as the Vermont Green Republic, California and Nevada split off as a Democratic Socialist state, and the rest of the nation was split between the Constitutionalist States of America (CSA), and the Confederal Union of America (CUA)

The war remained stagnant until mid 2037, when the CUA finally made a push to Montana, where it managed to get its hands on most of the nuclear stockpile. This caused the battle of Great Falls, the last battle of the early war, and this battle caused a surmount of confusion, causing an accidental launch of the entire nuclear arsenal. This caused a global nuclear war, ending the actual fighting of the ongoing Third World War, and destroying most of the mainland US. In 2038, near Knoxville, Tennessee, a third front, and the only active one, opens up to a new movement: the Democratic Union.

Democratic Union: Economic Centrist, Political Libertarian, Government Authoritarian
- Seeks to seize all of the corporations and companies and place them under a triconglomerate, under government and people's council control
- Seeks to reorganize society and create a new nation altogether
- Seeks to form a Semi-Anarchosyndicalist society
- Strong 4-head Executive with a Tricameral Legislature
- Separating the nation into 13 divisions, 11 unitary collectives, and 2 semi-independent Republics
- Seeks to create a united society with everyone equal, and accept foreign immigrants and refugees of war
- rapid industrialization, and expansion of agriculture
- recognizes the entire political spectrum
- lots of more little things

This party gained rapid momentum under Grand Premier/White Hawk Joseph Blitz, the founder of the movement, who then created a constitution he promised to sign into law called the "Thunder Hawk Initiative." Although the formal name pre-2041 was the "Anarchist Union of American Revolutionaries," it eventually was renamed officially the "Democratic Union of North America," DUNA. Most citizens called themselves Americans, although "Yankee" or "Yanquee" gained a lot of support. Most people called the country the "THI" (Tee-Aech-Eye)

By 2040, most of its claimed territory was brought back. The Constitutionalists and the Air Force signed a pact and officially joined the THI, and the New Englanders agreed to join under the approval they get at least slightly guaranteed autonomy, and Canada did the same. NE and Canada were the only regions to have their own Congress and Parliament, respectively. The THI claimed the current US borders, plus Canada, and officially annexing Puerto Rico. In early 2041, the THI proposed an alliance with Mexico in return for Baja California. In 2042, the first census and elections were held, finally pluralist. The people voted in a vote of no confidence for the Premier, and Blitz won over 80% of the population. While the population was granted semi-anarchist rights, the government itself had authority over foreign policies (excluding immigration/tourism, except under circumstances of distress or harm/terror)

The population was roughly 400 Million in 2042, and the industry was booming, finally allowing the use of new designs and a unique beginning.

With this story, I intend to use some other's builds and use new color schemes on them for this to show how its supposed to look, and then I'm going to have a plethora of new designs I have made over the past few months for post-civil war (2042). Anyways, I hope you all enjoy! This probably won't be read all the way through, but hey! Lol

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    @HuskyDynamics01 thanks mate!

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    @LieutenantSOT Nah no worries, that's really cool!

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    Anyways, sorry 😂

    1.9 years ago
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    I also started writing the Thunder Hawk Initiative (the actual constitutional initiative), and it alone is like 16 pages so far, and I'm not even halfway done yet 😂
    It's longer than the US constitution, which doesn't say much, but I still think it's cool

    +2 1.9 years ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 thanks!! 😂
    Just a few months since I've become more and more fascinated in politics and history. I created a thing I called the "Thunder Hawks" about 3 or 4 years ago, and I've been making it bigger and bigger. It originally was just a symbol with a company I wanted to start when I was older, and now that I'm basically 18, it's more of a political movement, and a huge thing. So this timeline, like 5 months, and overall about 4 years

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    @LieutenantSOT Wow. I am in awe, sir. How long have you been working on this?

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 thank you!! 😂
    The 20 pages is for the years 2024-2048, and it covers pre-war, the American Civil War, and World Wars III-IV 😂
    I mostly talk about the THI and it's development, but I also build a lot of the entire world. I'm planning on making a mapped timeline, right now I only have the 2035, 2036, and 2042 maps 😂

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    @LieutenantSOT 20 pages?! That's impressive, you've done a lot of worldbuilding!

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    conservatives ☕️

    +6 1.9 years ago
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    @HuskyDynamics01 thank you!! Yeah! It's kinda intentional XD
    This is basically an excerpt from my 20-page overview, so the states themselves are just like really powerful individual governments, and the central government keeps organization, and the people are placed into conglomerates to work without free will, let that be the military or industry

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    Very interesting, though the National Republicans' goals of expanding the military and removing individual rights are rather contradictory to the "conservatism" ideal. (But maybe that was intentional!)

    +2 1.9 years ago