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588 GDIShockTrooper  1.8 years ago

The Challenge will have 3 factions

The Kingdom of Himnaís
The Socialist Republic of Shetland
The Kingdom of Denmark

This Challenge is made up but there are a few real events and real people in the stories.

This challenge will have a post World War one, and the early to mid 1920s challenge but between three Nations fighting each other. The Socialist Republic of Shetland (Wright Isles), Denmark(Krakabola) The Kingdom of Himnaís (Snowstone).The events take place in the Norwegian sea.

Choose one of the Nations and stick with it
2 weeks is a year for the challenge
No modding except XML but will be limited
parts should be less than 1000
Vehicles, should be inspired by WW1 craft and post WW1 craft
Build limits will be on the challenge page
The challenge is not to take every Island but to see
who can claim and maintain Krakabola for 2 real time week.

Challenge Lore

Causes for Aggression
During the battle of Jutland (1916), a Shetlander Submarine miss identified a Himnegian Warship for a German warship, this was one of the first things to cause a difference between The Kingdom of Himnaís and The Socialists Republic of Shetland. The next was when a Himnegian Battleship sunk some Shetlander Cargo ships North of the Faroe Islands. Which along with the miss identification began a sort of competition Between the two nations. At Versailles, Danish, Shetlander and Hemneigan representatives argued over control over Faroe islands in the end

What you do
You are a commander in the ranks of one of these nations and you will develop and deploy vehicles to boost your side, this challenge will be mainly Naval so build stuff like battleships, cruisers, destroyers, submarines, and aircraft carriers. Aircraft can be built but they have a pretty short deployment range due to the inefficient engines.

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