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Three Years’ War Aircraft

2,467 TurtlePants  1.8 years ago

Seeing as all of my posts are about the Three Years’ War, (See my post “Three Years’ War Full Lore”) I figured people would want to know a bit about the aircraft.


Most aircraft of the war were small compared to WWII and even the 1930s, but since the islands (with the exception of Maywar) are all territories of Enlaknd with extremely limited powerplants, you wouldn’t see any engines above 1000 horsepower until the end of the war, and certainly not in sufficient supply.


.303 cal (7.7mm) machine guns were the most widely available guns of the war and could do great in air-to-air situations but against anything else they were pretty much worthless. The P4-RS monoplane was fitted with .50 cal (12.7mm) guns at around the middle of the war, increasing its attack abilities, but had no real affect other than slightly better accuracy.

A-T-G Weapons:

Another example of poor supply, rockets were scarcely available to Krakabloa despite the Wright Republic’s stockpiles, and the pair of 30mm cannons on P0-DR CAS aircraft were unique to that plane. Bombs were only available in 50, 100, 150, 250, and sometimes 500 pound weights.


Most planes were light fighters due to a lack of resources and a prewar lack of multi role aircraft. More than two guns were rare and heavy fighters were few and far between.


Even heavy bombers could rarely carry more than 800 pounds of total armament, and those that could were the biggest of the war. Three machine guns were the most carried by these planes.


Most turrets used by both sides used a series of hydraulic pistons to maneuver their attached weapons, using advanced helmets’ movement connected to a small computer as their input. This meant that multiple turrets could be controlled by the same gunner in an emergency or shortage of crew. As an added bonus, the guns could be positioned far enough away from the crew to not need serious protection.


This doesn’t really fit the list, but I think I should mention that Snowstone served as an oil supplier throughout the war and until 2456 G.T. It did maintain a small airforce, called the Snowstone Air Cavalry.

I hope you enjoyed this list I have created, and feel free to comment with anything you want or need.