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Greatest Creation Challenge!!!

1,099 LiberatorWeaponAgency  9.1 years ago

The time has come to show your dominance and prowess in SimplePlanes! The challenge is to make the greatest creation you can possibly make at this time. The winners will be decided based on upvotes. Whoever has the most upvotes on a creation will win. There will be 10 places for the 10 most upvoted creations. There are no restrictions(you can mod). The only thing you must do is use the cockpit block in the screenshots. It doesn't have to be your main cockpit and you can add on to this and make your own cockpit, it's just required to use the cockpit block somehow. I will not enter my own challenge(s). Are you up for the challenge? Good. You have till two months from now(March 22nd). That is the end of the challenge. Good luck and have fun!!! :D The link to the challenge is right here. Have fun!!! :D