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Dear new players...

10.3k AverageFedExMD11  1.8 years ago

A reminder for new players:

Ive seen new players steal someones planes, alright also it'll appear on the hottest meaning that post could be taken down. It is because that you stealed that plane

As mentioned in the rules: "Dont steal each other planes, adding guns, weapons and just painting doesnt consider you own it"

Alright, i saw some new players saying "im leaving". It is too early to leave. Dont give up just yet. You can do it as hard as you can, just try your best. Otherwise it would end up in a arguement, or a comment drama.

As mentioned in some mod's post "You dont need to post a forum saying your leaving, just leave it in your bio. If you are really leaving then never be online"

Now imagine this. Your new, you create a random post and begging for upvote. But you dont get enough upvotes, instead you just use a alt to upvote that leading to some mods noticing something suspicious of you using a alt for upvoting, leading your alt to get deleted.

As it said in the rule "Never beg for upvotes or use alts to upvote your stuff"

Now i have seen some new players making some kinda bad and kinda good at the same time liveries, great hope you can improve

As i said "you can try hard as you can".

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    1,182 J0LLYR0G3RYT

    I download some other's creations and modify to high extent and give credit to the original owners see my new modified bus uploading tomorrow.

    1.8 years ago
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    Ok, I know I 'steal' stuff, but I do actually make somewhat large changes

    1.8 years ago