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[Teaser] Compilation

21.0k ManManTheWeaponsMan  1.8 years ago

Here is just a brief preview of the slowly progressing builds at my disposal.

Nothing special.

(Im inda goofy at reshade so it looks bad)

Staelht Plen

Zis-50 Milk Shark (Zis-12 + Ka-50 Engine slapped on the back)

dont ask why i did this i dont even know

Big gun

F-5 Tigershark

Thanks for the support and don't expect anything soon from us.

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    30.9k 32

    That reshade could use a little tuning but it looks pretty good. I would fiddle around and change some settings if I were you.

    1.7 years ago
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    17.0k Kangy

    those filters are uhm

    1.7 years ago