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Mod for a minimap screen?

321 theboys  1.8 years ago

My child has asked for a minimap mod. He doesn't quite like the ones out there.

He wants the map to be drawn on the screen always, not as an in-game part.

I have a copy of Unity and the Jundroo tools for it, along with some basic C# knowledge. But I have very little experience with Unity.

Is this is an easy mod to make? Do I use a Canvas, then perhaps create a MapDraw script that does something? in Update()? How would I get the position of the SimplePlanes player? How would I get the size of the map?

I don't really have much time, I would probably just use this map and not upload the mod:

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    315k Gestour
    +1 1.8 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    You need to use a render texture and apply it to the screen using OnGUI. The render texture's camera needs to follow the player, which can be done using the ServiceProvider script.

    +1 1.8 years ago
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    31.1k 32

    In all seriousness, your idea with plopping that map in front of the camera would probably work, especially if it's to scale (which I find myself doubting). If you look around for some other UI mods (radar comes to mind) you can probably figure out how to edit the UI. If you do make this thing, make sure you post it on the site, because there are loads of people that would be interested in something like that. this radar mod includes source code.

    1.8 years ago
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    31.1k 32

    Now this is what we call an overdedicated father

    +1 1.8 years ago