I went to France recently (eugh), and I saw two young men playing tennis in a school's courtyard using chairs.
Like, the kind of chairs students sit on.
I would totally watch sports if more of them were like that.
France scares me
37.2k Graingy
1.7 years ago
@TheMouse Chairnnis
btw i had the tuvalu EAS Alarm on loop when i was just commenting
ok well lucky im in wales @Graingy
They later used actual tennis rackets, but still used a line of chairs as a net
@DatRoadTrainGuy19 umm akctually it's "en masse" 🤓🤓
@Graingy Report That Stupid Adbot, In Mass
@Dogedogebread13 Thank you. I only had the balls to block. I've only seen these advertising bots recently.
Reminds me of that youtube pornbot thing a few months/year back.
God that was annoying.
Shut up
@Dogedogebread13 O.o oh no
This is why I post mainly France