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What happened to AlivePan?

3,895 ches  1.4 years ago

Was he banned? I can’t enter his account.

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    10.6k DeadlyDialga

    Yah I get what you mean

    1.4 years ago
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    @DeadlyDialga it's OK but I thought of something else

    1.4 years ago
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    10.6k DeadlyDialga

    26 days of ban. Temp ban. Again not allowed to say what for.

    1.4 years ago
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    @DeadlyDialga 26 more days?? What does that mean?

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    10.6k DeadlyDialga

    From the man himself via discord… He wanted someone to make a forum post but you’re getting this. Can’t say why he’s banned, this is what you’re getting.

    "I know yall miss me. Ive seen 2 forum posts about where ive been. And you know what, I am glad yall are concerned about me. In real life, when im sick, nobody asks me if im okay or not. Also, since I have 26 more days left, I should work on another Saab. But I am ok and well."

    1.4 years ago
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    27.5k 126

    @Anomalocaris Hes Punned And Pann'd

    1.4 years ago
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    @CL125 He's panned

    1.4 years ago
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    1.4 years ago