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Aldonesian Aircraft Naming System [MMYMS]

617 ACGspOfficial  1.8 years ago

Aldonesian Aircraft Abide to the [Manufacturer] [Mission] [Year] [Model] [Series] or MMYMS, For Example, RGF AFB-95-M1
The RGF stands For RGF the Manufacturer, AFB Stands For Attack, Fighter, Bomber, The 95 Stands for the Year 1995, and M1 Stands for Model 1.

There Are Multiple Mission Types.
Heres a List:

A: Atakpaswet (Attack)
F: Flepurpaswet (Fighter Plane)
B:Bombenpaswet (Bomber)
K:Kargopaswet (Cargo Plane)
P:Platihpaswet (Trainer)
R:Rekintænpaswet (Reconnaissance Plane)

Sometimes if the Plane has Multiple Roles it Will be Stacked.