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How to effectively take screenshots of your plane for uploading

1,865 Lucasmah  8.9 years ago

Hi all, today I will show you what the title says! Ok, let's get to it!
first rule ALWAYS take three screenshots.
#2 is there a focal point on your plane? Like a neat feature, or another neat thing? Take at most two screenshots of them.
#3 always take 1 screenshot of the WHOLE PLANE. make sure it shows the whole plane effectively.
#4 remember the golden sp rule: if you were looking at the plane to download it, would the screenshots make you want to?
#5 keep trying screenshots until you are satisfied. Always delete ineffective screenshots!
#6 never take too close of a close up! That is a ineffective screenshot!
#7 make sure the screenshots are attractive. If they aren't, your plane may be looked over!
That is all, look out for my next guide, effectively writing a description!

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    5,873 Bucket

    I made this, does this have effective screen shots? The engine has a throttle control in it. As well as the interior with the doors and the hood with full screen shots. Is this effective?

    8.9 years ago
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    1,865 Lucasmah

    @HellFireKoder **

    8.9 years ago
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    @Lucasmah Yeah, wish I could help... and lol, it did it with your comment (only one duplicate of the comment, though).

    8.9 years ago
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    1,865 Lucasmah

    @SalemASaberhagen @HellFireKoder goddamn the submit button... Got alot to do now..

    8.9 years ago
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    @HellFireKoder yep XD

    8.9 years ago
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    @SalemASaberhagen I think it was probably a bug, but either way he needs to get deleting...

    8.9 years ago
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    No spaming

    8.9 years ago