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How to effectively take screenshots of your plane for uploading

1,865 Lucasmah  9.0 years ago

Hi all, today I will show you what the title says! Ok, let's get to it!
first rule ALWAYS take three screenshots.
#2 is there a focal point on your plane? Like a neat feature, or another neat thing? Take at most two screenshots of them.
#3 always take 1 screenshot of the WHOLE PLANE. make sure it shows the whole plane effectively.
#4 remember the golden sp rule: if you were looking at the plane to download it, would the screenshots make you want to?
#5 keep trying screenshots until you are satisfied. Always delete ineffective screenshots!
#6 never take too close of a close up! That is a ineffective screenshot!
#7 make sure the screenshots are attractive. If they aren't, your plane may be looked over!
That is all, look out for my next guide, effectively writing a description!

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    26.3k Skua

    One thing I would add to this: don't take screenshots from the direct front,side, or top angles. We can see those anyway on your plane's page, and almost nothing on SP looks good or interesting from those angles

    9.0 years ago