TURBOLINES flight 453 was a 767-300 the flight took of forum japan to Hawaii at the ATC radio In Daniel K. Inouye International Airport some man then saw the plane turning right a left and then it disappeared some search team saw the plane's wreck there were no one to be seen 134 are killed the NTSB and turbolines look up they that it was a Mechanical failure or Suicide by pilot that brought the plane down this happen in 1999 Egypt Air Flight 990 has a same look to it as well it crash into the sea but when they look into the cvr they foud that it was causes by fire in the cockpit the cvr glitched and there were fire sound and it ended the plane crash into the sea also Swissair Flight 111 and Egypt Air Flight 804 had the same on as well as cockpit fire base of Swissair Flight 111 and Egypt Air Flight 804 I DON'T OWN ANYTHING
TURBOLINES Flight 453 (terror of the pacific) for CoachPickles86 because he made a turbo lines 767-300[GE]
464 sharkpuppet808
1.8 years ago
the plane that crash was a Boeing 767-300ER[GE] Turbo Lines in Star Alliance livery
hope you like it
The Average American Education System be like:
im not
is not real but is base of a real crash like Swissair Flight 111 and Egypt Air Flight 804
is for CoachPickles86
this is my first story and it is fake
you love it
hay first comment