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Capabilities of my Blackhawk

8,359 Airheaddivision  1.7 years ago

The capabilities of my UH-60 are lift abilities.

Keep in mind you may be slower the heavier, and how much drag the object I has.

Cool thing is if you like setting up scenic camera’s, you can lift those two and set them up in difficult terrain.

Example: HH-60m Medevac lifting what I like to call a “fly camera”.

Second capability is air refueling. This allows for longer flights and the probe can be attached to any black Hawk variant for a longer mission increasing survivability. Set the tanker to the slowest speed which is true in real life since the Blackhawk is obviously not as fast as a fighter jet.

Example: HH-60G Pave Hawk getting air refueled.

Third is its speed. This is a fast helicopter, I had to decrease the speed after doing some research on the UH-60 Blackhawk’s speed limits to make it more realistic.

Fourth is the maneuverability of the Hawk. It can do crazy acrobatics so have fun and be aggressive with it when it will be released.

Fifth it’s got blade flop or whatever it’s called, another thing I tried to figure out.

Last is the ability to perform level flight with its nose up while still flying which is think is a mixture of trimming the aircraft, raising the collective etc. I don’t know for sure how it works but….. hey it woks.

To remake this and make the airframe as study level as possible, the interior wasn’t my main concern, it took me at least a hundred tries, I wasn’t gonna give up so I kept at it and I finally achieved the correct airframe and everything I was working towards.

This will be available to fly very soon!

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    @XxRxX indeed, I’ve been doing that to give my birds a little more realism.

    1.7 years ago
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    1,605 XxRxX

    @Airheaddivision oh you made a custom blade
    I didn't notice

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    @XxRxX i used floppy rotators and set them to 5. I tried putting several rotators within the blades but this make it blow up.

    So to prevent that, I put the rotators in the middle of the main rotor head, to simplify this the small rotators are connected to the arm of the rotor, not the blades themselves

    1.7 years ago
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    1,605 XxRxX

    How did you make the 5th one
    That's neat

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    Looks great! I'm excited!

    +1 1.7 years ago